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RAMI Music Directory

Lil Lizzie

Alternative, Classical, Rap / Hip-Hop, Recording Studios, Rock / Pop, Solo Artists

Rewind the Clocks
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Lizzie Vega

Lizette Vega, known professionally as Lil Lizzie, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter based out of Rockford, IL. She is bringing different genres of music together and making it work. Lil Lizzie is also the host of Loyal F Girl Podcast, which focuses on mental health and sex. Follow Lil Lizzie and learn about this unique artist.

Lil Lizzie Events

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.