Music Calendar

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10/17/2024 Events

Music Directory

Reckless Redemption

Hard Rock / Metal

That Gurl

Classic Rock, Oldies, Rock / Pop
Unchained Melody

Dead Man's Hand

Alternative, Classic Rock, Country / Bluegrass, Funk / R&B, Hard Rock / Metal, Oldies, Rap / Hip-Hop, Rock / Pop, Rock-a-billy
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Music Organizations

Scholarship Spotlight

Christine Albarran (Knodle)

2004 Gary S. Wilmer / RAMI Music Scholarship

Christine Albarran currently pursues her passion for string music education as Assistant Orchestra Director at Roach Middle School in Frisco, Texas.  Christine began her violin studies at the age of 3 at the Music Academy in Rockford with Eleanor Stanlis.  She completed undergraduate degrees in Music Performance and Business from Columbia College Chicago and Rockford University and obtained her Masters of Teaching from Columbia College Chicago. She has previously taught at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Sherwood Community Music School, and the Hyde Park Suzuki Institute.  She also enjoys performing with a variety of ensembles, ranging from symphony orchestras to rock bands. Read more.

RAMI Organization

The RAMI Organization was created for the purpose of awarding music scholarships to deserving young musicians, to provide financial assistance for the study of music to deserving young musicians, and to present and/or sponsor music education programs and events.

Each year the RAMI Organization hosts several events to help fund the Gary S. Wilmer RAMI Music Scholarship, The RAMI Young Artists Music Scholarship, and to honor the local music community. Our premier event is the RAMI Awards Ceremony is held in April each year. The RAMI Awards recognize and celebrate the efforts of groups and individuals who have involvement in the local music community.

The RAMI Organization has awarded over $70,000 in scholarships and music education programs to over 50 students.

If you would like to become involved in helping us support our music scholarships, music education programs, and sponsored programs/events contact us at ramicommittee @

Our Sponsors

Support the RAMIs

All donations help support RAMI scholarships, music education programs, and RAMI sponsored events.

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.