RAMI Karaoke - Party Like a Rockstar!

RAMI Karaoke - Party Like a Rockstar!

Who DOESN'T like to feel like a rockstar, but with this group of people around you, you are guaranteed to feel like you've hit celebrity status!

The RAMIs and Casey's Pub invite you to come out and share your talents on stage! There will karaoke, the kitchen is open if you would like to order food, and drink specials will be shared! RAMI members will be there, collecting money to help continue to fund the scholarships and events provided for our music community. 

The RAMI organization hosts several events to help fund the Gary S. Wilmer RAMI Music Scholarship and to promote the local music community. Other events include the Spring Benefit, as well as the RAMI Awards, which recognizes and celebrates the efforts of groups and individuals who have involvement in the local music community.

Not a member of the RAMIs? NO PROBLEM! Come out anyways and help contribute to the cause! There will be information regarding becoming a member on hand.

We can't wait to share the stage with you all!

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @ ramiawards.com

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.