Directory Page

RAMI Music Directory

Soundhammer Studio

Acoustic, Alternative, Blues, Classic Rock, Classical, Country / Bluegrass, DJ / Karaoke, Folk, Funk / R&B, Hard Rock / Metal, Jam, Jazz, Latin, New Age, Progressive, Recording Studios, Rock / Pop, Rock-a-billy, Solo Artists, Sound Companies, Techno

Every Word You Say
Creepers Concerto

Oz Amaro
(815) 901-0166

Over the course of the last 5 years, Soundhammer Studios has become the hottest studio enviornment in the area. Having served artist of all calibers including major TV shows, Soundhammer is positioned to bring the real deal to your recordings. We have the top gear and the proof of concept. Go to our Soundcloud site to hear the difference we make. Call us to chat or vist the studio...we got this! 

Soundhammer Studio Events

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.